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Monday, May 25, 2009


Hey guys! 2day was the Archery lesson! It was really fun! Biggest news: Someone by the name of Jonathon... Killed a GRASSHOPPER WITH HIS ARROW!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.........
That was funny. The trainer picked up an arrow and he saw a grasshopper @ the point. Weird... The arrow point is really blunt, bout' 5-7mm thick onli. And it killed a grasshopper?! Really weird... NEway, the bow was quite heavy. There was a wooden and a plastic one. 2 each. The wooden 1 was brown (obviously) and the plastic 1 was black. The black bow was much heavier but the brown bow was lighter. So the girls used the lighter one. Boys were complaining that their bow was too heavy 2 be accurate (they used the black bow). The trainer "retorted" that the heavier the bow, the more accurate the shoot. So there. The boys are merely complaining what is not true. 1 of them even said that b-cuz the bow was 2 heavy, his arm kept on quivering, so he kept on missing the target. Hahahahaha... Ok, ya' mus be wondering how I did. I scored 2 points thru-out the whole activity. Yea, I know its lame. I kept on missing the target. It's either the arrow flew over the target board (4-5 arrows did), the arrow landed in front of the target board (1 arrow did) or the arrow hit the spongy board (3-5 arrows did). But I had lots of fun. Just wished the lesson would be weekly and not jus 4 one day.

Ok. End of the post on Archery. Bye~



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